... weighing in at 23 lbs 11 ozs and 32 inches long... REESE PATTISON! That's right... I went to the pediatrician today. My weight puts me in the 50th percentile and my length is in the 80th percentile. Everything checked out wonderfully... so wonderfully in fact I don't have to go back at 18 months... the doc doesn't need to see me until about 20 months... YAAAAY! I did great with my shots too. I got the MMR and my second flu shot. The flu shot went in without even a flinch... MMR... got a little grunt and whine, but NO TEARS! I'm a big girl! My umbilical hernia is still in full effect. We keep praying it closes on it's own to avoid surgery, but it's not looking promising.
These days I enjoy running like a mad woman, climbing on anything and everything, and hiding from Mommy and Daddy by putting my blanket over my head.

Arts and crafts are one of my favorite
past times. I love to color, paint, and decorate pictures with stickers. I made Daddy a beautiful sticker picture for Valentine's Day. Play-doh is a great attention holder as well. Mommy bought me a mini
Magna Doodle, which I LOVE! My motor skills are definitely up to par. Having Mommy and Daddy read to me is also high on my entertainment list.

As far as language. I know 25 words now: dada, daddy, mama, nana (which is what I call Mommy), shoes, socks, eyes/nose/mouth (which I can now identify with no problem on other people... if you ask me where my own eyes are though, I still point to my ears), duck, dog, hat, tree, baby, bye, hi, hello, balloon, diaper, yes, yeah, weeeeeeee, uh oh, hot, and no. I can also do the animal sounds for a cow and monkey. I'm pretty good at repeating animal sounds after people, but those are the two I know without help.
Sleeping has become WONDERFUL. It used to be once I was asleep I was asleep... no problem. However, Mommy would put me down for my naps or for bedtime, and I would play and play for hours before falling asleep. We finally decided it was time to take away one of my naps during the day. We now wake up between 730-800 am, lunch at 11, nap from 12-3, then bedtime at 7. It now takes me a whopping 10-15 TOPS to fall asleep at nap time and bedtime. Mommy and Daddy couldn't be happier. :)
I have my 4 bottom front teeth in, 3 of my top front teeth, and 2 of my 4 front molars have broken through. Mommy saw my 4th top front tooth trying to poke through this morning, and the pediatrician said a couple more of my molars will be coming in soon as well. God bless baby Tylenol and teething tablets otherwise I may be dreading life. I haven't gotten overly cranky, but it's hard for me to eat sometimes (I eat anything and everything I can get my hands on), and I rarely let Mommy take on the task of brushing my teeth. I let her every once in a while but prefer to do it on my own.
That's me in a nutshell! In the next couple of months we're going to be practicing with my potty, working on my big girl skills (sleeping in a big girl bed), and getting my baby sister's room all ready. I CAN'T WAIT! She'll be taking all of my furniture, while Mommy, Daddy and I work on creating the perfect big girl bedroom for me. :)