So I thought I would share a few little things with you that Mommy has been working on with me. She's a real slave driver. Poor thing refuses to give up on me with tummy time. Sometimes I cooperate and sometimes I don't. My head goes up people... I swear it does... sometimes. It's fun to keep her guessing. Now adding to the head lifting she's practicing rolling over with me. I think it is super fun when she helps me, but when she just leaves me there to scream and try to figure it out on my own ... I don't enjoy it.
Mommy is also trying to get me to hold on to things. I've held my bunny rattle a couple of times with her help. The other day though I was helping to take down the Christmas tree, and practiced holding a santa ornament.
It's very difficult for me to get my hands around things because I like to protect my thumbs. Mommy and Daddy have to use a crowbar to pry it away from the rest of my fingers. I'll let it free if it's on my terms. For example... I like to try to hold my bottle when someone is feeding me... my terms... trying to make hand prints for my baby book... not my terms. For a while there Mommy was trying to get me to suck my thumb, but I'd really rather just suck on my entire fist.
I'm making all kinds of really fun sounds too. I like to surprise Mommy and Daddy with something new and funny everyday. :)
5 years ago
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