This picture has nothing to do with the following 'story', but it depicts the hot mess that is me (of course it doesn't help that my mother dresses me like a fruitcake everyday).
So, yesterday was the first time Daddy put me in timeout. What do you know... I threw something at him. In fact it was a full bottle of water. Good times. After I chucked the water at Daddy (did I mention it was right at his head?), all Daddy had to do was point at my timeout stool and away I went. Sulking. Daddy followed me to talk to me about what I did wrong, but I was under the impression I was done with time out. See I have to sit there for 1 minute, 'think about what I did wrong,' Mommy or Daddy (whoever put me in timeout) comes and talks to me, we give each other hugs and kisses, and then I'm on my way. I thought I could trick Daddy and peace out before I did my time, but he caught on to me and made me sit there. Then this morning I threw one of Deuce's baby toys at Mommy... she pointed to the stool, and away I went... dead man walking. Oh these parentals and their rules.
5 years ago
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