Rachel here. Yes... Reese has been driving me bonkers, but she also has the ability to make me laugh... all in the same breath. She's turning into such a little person it kills me! I know it's not her 19 month bday, but she's starting to put words together into little phrases. One of her favorites is 'Daddy go?' She also says something that sounds like 'Daddy's at work.' There was something super funny she said yesterday too, but pregnancy brain is getting the best of me.
Her allergies are making me so sad for her. The pediatrician told me to give her Children's Claritin, which has helped her with her sleeping at night. She hasn't woken up in a coughing fit for the last two nights. She's just as perky (and naughty) as can be during the day despite her forever running nose. Her throat doesn't seem to be bothering her anymore, and her eyes only get watery when I'm blowing her nose for her. (The Ped said to call him back in a couple of days if it got worse or there was no change, so hopefully we are on the mend.) Oh the nose blowing! She's learned to do it on her own, which is both VERY helpful and such a pain in the arse. Helpful because when we say blow she actually blows... a pain because she has started getting the tp herself, putting it up to her nose, blowing, and then promptly pulling it away... with a large gooey trail of snot following it. She's so precious. ;) 
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