Rachel here. I'm not sure how or when this happened...
but my wee little nugget is 3 months old! TEAR. Seriously folks... look how adorable she is! I could melt. Emma Grace is such a blessing to our family. We all (yes, even Reese) just love her to pieces.
EG is cooing like CRAZY! She'll say "hi" to you if you say it to her first. Smiling is something that comes completely natural to her, and she is a bundle of cuteness when she does it. She's doing something that I don't ever remember Reese doing... DROOLING. Now I'm telling you RIGHT NOW... I am not ready for my wee one to start getting teeth... do you hear me up there... NO TEETH. Reese was 10 months before she got her first tooth, and I'll be damned if Emma starts BEFORE then. Now I know I have no control, but HAVE MERCY! She's always trying to jam my finger into her mouth. Ugh. EG STILL hates tummy time. I think around this time was when Reese could hold her head up easily on her belly. Emma is still a huge fan of eating mouths full of blanket. She's getting better... meaning we go longer before she starts screaming. :) She's pretty solid though when you sit her on your lap with no head support, so at least we've got that going for us.
I think she's gaining weight nicely. We don't have another appointment until October 26th, so I don't know for sure, but she's outgrowing her clothes, so I can only assume. :) I went ahead and bumped her into her 3-6 month clothing. Like Reese, she still fits in SOME... VERY LITTLE... BUT SOME of her 0-3 month clothing, but with the changing seasons it just seemed easier to switch her completely over. That allows me to get the 0-3 month bin of clothes back into the attic and gain some more room.
Emma is still eating every 2 hours during the day (that's about 7-8 feedings, and I'm assuming she's getting about 3 ounces each feeding). We've cut out the night feeding because she's pretty much sleeping through the night. This in turn means Bryan isn't needed for that feeding... which in turn has created an "I'm not taking that bottle from you" monster. UGH! We tried to give her a bottle at the tailgate, and she screamed like it was nobody's business. We tried again at Auntie Angie's house, and after about 30 minutes of refusal, she gave in. Sometimes I just like the freedom of being able to have someone else feed her... especially now that we're getting out more. I'd love to be able to make it to a football game this season, but who knows now with the bottle/boob issues we're having. I'll be heading to the Target to purchase this special boob bottle, so hopefully that'll get her taking them again.
She's an EXCELLENT sleeper these days. Bedtime for both girls is 7. Emma is slowly learning to soothe herself if she hasn't fallen asleep while feeding... well for the most part anyway. I put her in her crib, give her the paci (for the most part she DOES NOT take it... there is a rare moment, and those moments are blissful), and crank her mobile. She LOVES her mobile. We can usually get away with doing it only twice and she's down for the count. Occasionally though she throws us for a loop and cries. We're getting more and more used to letting her cry it out... and those sessions are getting shorter and shorter. She'll wake up to eat anywhere from 4-8. The earlier she wakes up in that block the more likely she is to go right back to sleep for at least 3 more hours. If she's up closer to 8... she's up to play. We really can't complain especially with her being breastfed still. I've heard some stories and am just thankful we only have to get up once.
Little sister. Emma LOVES Reese, which makes me smile. She is always smiling at Reese while Reese is tickling her belly or playing with her feet. I can't wait until she can interact with Reese more. They are two remarkably sweet little girls, and Bryan and I are SO lucky.
5 years ago
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