Rachel here. So we've been having MAJOR bedtime problems with my mini-me. Reese is basically a nightmare when it comes to going to bed at night. Naptime was no problem, but she would literally scream at the top of her lungs and kick the bejesus out of her bed FOR HOURS. It was so bad last week that at one point I took her crib away from her. DON'T ASK. So Bryan and I were talking yesterday and we decided to try and transition her to a big girl bed. Bryan actually walked in on her trying to escape from her crib one evening, so it may be time. We had an extra twin mattress in our closet from my old day bed, so we put that on her floor up against the wall and used her crib as a barricade on the other side, so she wouldn't fall out. She wanted no part of it at naptime. I layed with her and I asked her if she was sleepy and wanted to take a nap... flat out... "no." Now she's a lot like every other toddler, but she doesn't say "no" ALL THE TIME, so I took her seriously. No nap. We went about our day and ran some errands. She managed to fall asleep for about 20 min in the car. Dinner and bath followed as usual... then it was bedtime at 800. We took her upstairs and put her on the mattress. She was a little iffy at the beginning, but she eventually fell asleep within about 30 min. We then didn't hear from her until about 8 this morning. I'd call that a success! So we're going for no naps during the day and a new bed. Bryan and I went ahead and ordered the side slats for her crib... it converts into a full sized bed. Once those arrive, we'll be getting her a mattress set, and then some bedding. Now in an ideal world, she would have one of the following bedding sets:

that one with the trees from pottery barn and then owl pillows is unbelievably cute.
and the tree sheets?! i pretty much want to order these for me now.
I KNEW that first one was the one you wanted from PBK! Mostly because I want it for Reese, too (I have to live through you, you know, when it comes to girly things!
I would like to vote for the following: Eden from Overstock, Winsome from JCP, and Zoe from JCP. But that's just me :).
I like them all! Great finds :)
This is Heather's friend Miranda. Check Ebay for the ones that you really like before you settle. All of your choices are super cute but I too had the same $$ problem with my baby girl's nursery. The bedding that I wanted was around $350 but I was able to find it on ebay shipped for about $125!! The Bumper was used but once I washed it, it looked brand new! Good luck :)
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