Let me tell you about these Taggies products... they are WONDERFUL! My BFF Aly has an awesome ball that I tried to steal from her when we were visiting with Auntie Ange, but alas, her Mommy was too quick for my snail like reflexes. The ball was seriously the size of my head to the 10th power, but it was hot. Since I'm starting to show an intense interest in playing with toys, Mommy decided to dig through some of my infant toys to see what I had that was soft enough to play with. When my sister was a baby, Mommy and Daddy let her play with a wooden maraca that they got in the dollar section at Target. She apparently used to constantly hit herself in the head with it... did Mommy and Daddy take it away from her? Well, not immediately... they got a couple of good chuckles and ONLY THEN took it away... explains a lot doesn't it? But I digress. In my toys bucket Mommy found this WONDERUL Taggies book that Uncle Aaron and Liz got me before I was born. I'm in lurve I tell you! It's so soft and cuddly!
And I can fit it SAFELY into my mouth... and even better... it's washable people... which is a necessity these days seeing as how EVERYTHING is going into my mouth and Mommy is terrified we are all going to get the Swine flu (to which we are FINALLY getting our vaccinations on Monday). So let's give three cheers to the Perlewitz-Graffeo combo for a homerun! :)
5 years ago
Nora (and Soren) had that same book. It's very sweet!
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