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Saturday, June 26, 2010

We're home!

Rachel here. WE'RE HOME! I'm the first to admit that I LOVE my husband and kids, and I love traveling with them. HOWEVER... I'M SO FLIPPIN' HAPPY TO BE HOME IT'S REDONKULOUS! :) Our Summer has been jam packed since the beginning of May, and we're just so happy to have some down time. That doesn't mean that we didn't have a blast and a half on all of our adventures. I have so much to write about, pictures to print and order, memories to scrapbook... and the dreaded cleaning and readjusting to our home. This is the time where the projects around here take the front seat once again. Oy.

Enough about what needs to be done around here. Let's go back to around June 17th shall we? ;) We were visiting the girls' great grand mothers in Iowa. Here are just a few of my favorite shots to tide you over. There will be TONS more... trust me.

Great Gma #1... Gma Betty. :)

Reese was such a great helper. Great Gma #2... Gma Nita had some "chores" for Bryan around the house. First on the list... trimming the bushes outside. Reese had a blast helping.

It also may have helped that she got to drive the "tractor" once the trailer was full. :)

The girls spent A LOT of time adjusting to the time difference and not being at home... which unfortunately meant tons of meltdowns... but the times where they were disgustingly adorable more than made up for those.
Gma Nita found an old purse (one that was her mother's) filled to the brim with bracelets and necklaces... Reese was in heaven!

Great Gma #2... Gma Nita! She was a great hostess to our traveling circus.
We spent a lot of time outside playing in the backyard... when it wasn't monsooning. :)

Hopefully I can crank out some more posts while the girls are napping...