Today I'm officially 15 months old! Yay me! Now normally this week I would be going to the pediatrician to get some shots and a physical, however, I'll have to wait until I'm 16 months old. (Mommy and Daddy are not slacking off for the record.) Back about a month before I turned one Daddy tried to make my one year appointment. Apparently my doc was out of town around that time and booked solid for a month... whatevs, so I go in at 13 months. Now one of the shots I'm supposed to get at 15 months HAS to be taken EXACTLY three months after one that I got when I turned 13 months... so there you have it... I'll be a month late. Not a whole lot that can be done. Mommy's guessing I'm about 23-24 lbs though... and doesn't dare pull out the measuring tape without Daddy here to measure my height, so we'll have to get back to you in a month with the actual measurements.
Sooooo anyway... I've become quite the character Mommy says. I love to spin around in circles until I fall down for starters. What a hoot! It makes me giggle like crazy. I'm getting really good at running... I'm actually thinking of taking up track and field. Mommy taught me how to blow kisses, which I love give to just about anyone. Dancing has become one of my specialties as well. Classic rock just compels me to rock out... I can't help it... it's in my bones...
ACDC I salute you! Elmo's World also makes me dance like a rock star. Oh I just love that little red guy. Mommy had an adorable video to show off all my new dance skills, but apparently it's a file that has no desire to upload, so alas we are
videoless. :( She decided to upload a photo of me in full temper tantrum mode, which I've become quite good at as well. Can you believe Mommy had the nerve to take my toothbrush away from me?! The audacity!

I'm still sleeping like a champ. I'm in bed around 7 still (gosh Mom don't you think I'm old enough now to have a later bedtime?!), but now I'm sleeping in until 8 sometimes 830, which Mommy is quite thankful for. My vocabulary has really picked up as well. I'm starting to repeat a lot of things after Mommy and Daddy say them which is very exciting. On my own though I can say: mama, dada, duck (duh), dog (doh), shoes, socks, hot, bath, uh oh, yeah, all done (ah duh), diaper (dohdoh), milk (for some reason I call it nahnah?), eye (however, when you ask me where my eyes are... I point to my ears... I'm cool like that), hat, tree, hi, and I say dada for bye. Eating... there's nothing I won't try. I eat all my veggies, fruits, grains, and meats. Now that I'm a little older Mommy and Daddy are starting to let me try crazier things... like SUGAR! The other day Mommy gave me a marshmallow! Daddy sometimes let's me share his milkshake with him at the Hokie basketball games too. Whoo hoo! Actually... I guess the marshmallow was as crazy as we've gotten... my parentals are such duds. Mommy and Daddy have been letting me try to eat with a fork though... oh the excitement!
Until next time... peace out.
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