When we returned from our trip to Iowa, I was shocked to see that SANTA CLAUS came to my house!!!!

He brought me a Cabbage Patch Doll with her very own stroller... three words... I love her.

Good thing I had been practicing my opening presents skills because there were quite a few to keep me busy. Mommy would hand me a present to open, I would be so amazed by it and want to play, then Daddy would take it right away only to have Mommy give me another one. They really need to work on their technique because by the end of this constant '
indian giving' I became quite peeved and made Mommy open the rest of my gifts.

My favorite present... my new rocking recliner Santa gave me. Santa I'd like to take this time to apologize for my temper tantrum I threw while sitting on your lap. I have now seen the light and hope for a smoother conversation next year. :)

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