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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Last week

The weeks seem to be going by quickly...we're doing a little bit of everything and nothing at all at the same time. We've been filling our weeks with playing outside when it's nice, keeping occupied inside when it's not, preschool, play dates, and swimming lessons. Here's a bit of what we did last week.

While at a play date... puddle jumping... something we don't do nearly enough of.
Lots of arts and crafts. This is some kind of a space ship we found in one of my new books I bought from my school book fair.

Shadow puppets.My beautiful flower garden. Emma Grace is STILL working on do-a-dotting her coffee filters... a week later. :)

The sensory bins made an appearance. The sister and I gave the construction workers "lunch", and my froggy took a random swim in the ocean... it was a free or all.
I even planted some marine life.
Another project from my new books. An owl.
And then there was some work in my workbooks. After I finished a page, Emma Grace checked over it for me. :)

This week we've already spent loads of time outside... THANK GOODNESS for the rain paying us a visit in the evenings and not smack dab in the middle of the day! :)