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Sunday, January 4, 2009

A white Christmas in Iowa

This year Mommy and Daddy decided it would be really nice to spend Christmas in Iowa with my Great Gmas and Great Gpa. Over the river and through the woods... dodging ice/sleet/FEET of snow... we safely arrived to Dubuque the Monday before Christmas. It was super duper cold. Mommy packed me multiple snowsuits but did not put me in the snow once... frankly I didn't find double digits below zero appealing anyway, so I admired the squirrels from indoors.

Christmas Eve was spent at Mommy's Uncle Tim's house where I got to hang out with my Great Gma Betty. She got me a super hot Hot Wheels car... she sure knows the way to my heart. While there I was able to take up the fine art of Karaoke. It took me a while to pick it up, but once I heard my own voice and the roar of laughter that followed, that microphone didn't stand a chance. (Sorry for soaking the microphone with my tongue Cassie!) I also got an adorable stuffed dog and really nice book from Mommy's Uncle Mark and Aunt Sally... I'm pretty sure Sarah and Nathaniel had a hand in it too... so thank you all!
Christmas Day was quietly spent with Great Gma and Gpa Kehoe. We opened presents... and when I say 'we' I actually mean 'WE'. Yes, I actually opened a present! Mommy started it for me, I ripped a little piece off... something special caught my eye... so I tore into that gift like nobody's business! I waited so patiently for Mommy to cut into every strap and twisty tie to help my toy escape from its maximum security box. It was a super awesome helicopter that made all kinds of crazy noises! Gma showed me how it worked and I was hooked!
I also got a really cute bear from my Great Aunt Kerry and Uncle Ali. Mommy and Daddy were beginning to realize that I might become a little spoiled in the coming week!

Thank you Gmas and Gpa for letting me come and visit with you!!!!