Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

7 months old

Mushy mushy mushy! Rachel here. My wee one is 7 months old today. :) Isn't she sweet?

Emma Grace is the smiliest little thing! She's still so cool and calm. She's still a great sleeper, and the kid loves to eat. Besides nursing every two hours (during the day)... STILL... she's also dabbling in most veggies. She loves green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash (she's only had that out of the jar), and she loves applesauce. We've also tried avocado, and I literally thought she was going to die. She gave me this look of sheer disgust. We'll be trying it again though tomorrow. :) I also picked up some pears, and peaches from the g-store the other day, so we'll whip some of those up for her too. I hope this means she'll be as good of an eater as Reese!

As far as milestones... she can sit up completely on her own now. With rolling over... ugh... it's so dramatic. She can roll over from her back to her belly like it's going out of style. She's only gone from her belly to her back twice. This raises some serious drama let me tell you. When she's in her crib, she rolls over and then can't get back over! I remember the drama with Reese, but she eventually would just sleep on her tummy. Good thing I love her so much! :)
Next goal... working on the sippy cup and trying to get her to get her legs under her butt so she can start her crawling shenanigans. :)