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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Peepoo... Update

This picture was taken yesterday... impressive I know... however, it's blown up big time since then. Luckily I'm doing great with potty training these days. Mommy only has me in a diaper at naptime and at bedtime. Once I'm done with those diapers though, she'll switch me to pullups. I tend to stay dry during those times, but if Mommy waits too long to come and get me out of my room, I definitely go. I'm also pooping on the potty with a WHOLE LOT LESS DRAMA than I was. I just come and go as I please.
We've been pretty gung-ho since coming back from Norfolk. I've been running around naked... using the potty when I need to. Mommy got pretty gutsy today though and put me in a pair of underpants. Wouldn't you know I made it through the whole day in that same pair... right on! I told Mommy every time I had to go, she pulled them down for me, and off I went. There was one time (and again later in my diaper right before bed) that she caught me getting ready to poo in them. She yelled "stop!"... I did, she grabbed me, and put me on the potty... so technically no accidents today. :) Hopefully tomorrow is just as good as today... if not better!