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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm a pastafarian mon!

Since I've had a cold the last two weeks, Mommy won't let me do much of anything fun. That means no leaving the house to go shopping or to story time. She won't even let me outside to play! Can you believe it!? On the upside she hasn't wiped snot from my nose in 2 count them TWO days... oh the excitement! She's been trying to come up with fun little activities for me to do to keep me busy. This is extra hard for her now because I'm only down to 1 nap, so that's an extra 2 hours to fill. She's managing just fine though. The other day she let me play with pasta! It was awesome people!!! Just look!

It felt so good in my hands!

I got to put the noodles in all these different containers... one of my favorite things to do right now!

I made the biggest mess!!!!

I love PASTA!