Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New trick?

Rachel here. During Reesie's birthday weekend, my friend Erin kept closing the bathroom door. I was quite curious as to why she was doing this. Well her adorable little Brett loves to put things in the toilet, so closing the door was the only way to fix his habit. Erin, I may have one up on you here... prepare yourself.

Reese has in fact learned to throw things in the toilet, but only her... drum roll please...
that's right people... her diaper! We throw our poop diapers in the genie and our wet diapers in the trash can. Reese DUG IT OUT OF THE GARBAGE and then THREW IT IN THE TOILET! :)

I'm so proud...