Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 6, 2008


Rachel here. Reese is OFFICIALLY walking. Well officially walking in the house. :) She's all over the place! When we get outside though she's a little hesitant. I think we've probably topped 4 or 5 outside steps while we're up to 14 consecutive inside steps. It's so cute to watch her wobble from side to side. Can you tell we love to celebrate with her? :)

P.S. We also switched her to whole milk last night! I think it's going to take some getting used to for her seeing as how she's only had about 2 oz of it since 630 last night. Baby steps!!! :)

P.S.squared. The big party is this weekend! We're so looking forward to celebrating our Reesie turning one with all of our close friends and family! The planning is... going. :) It's hard to get things done during the day when you have a little one running a muck, but I'm confident the party will go off without a hitch!