Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 1, 2008


First off... Happy Labor Day to all! In honor of Labor Day (and the fact my Daddy didn't have to go to work), my Grandma and Grandaddy came to visit me. While they were here, we went on a very special adventure to... my new favorite place... THE DUCK POND! I had so much more fun this time than last time. Well, maybe not MORE fun, but I was far more interested in the ducks this time around. The bread wasn't half bad either!

I thoroughly enjoyed watching the little ducks swim all around and chase after our little bread crumbs. It was both sweet and slightly scary. There were a couple of times I thought there might be a domestic dispute between the mama duck and what appeared to me an intruder/daddy duck, but all was well.
I wanted so badly for the ducks to love me. I reached for them time and time again, but there was no interest. I'm willing to bet that once I learn to toss those crumbs like Mommy and Daddy I'll be beating those ducks away with a stick. Mommy tried to help me feed the ducks myself, but there is a little thing called coordination that I just don't possess. Frankly I found it much easier to put the bread crumbs in my mouth. :) I told her that I would just rather hang out with her (and Daddy, but he was the photographer, so I was waving to him)...

... and Grandma and Grandaddy...
... and a tree.
All in all it was a great day to start the fall season!