Rachel here. Where has the time gone? 2 months already?! The only thing that gets me past the 16th of every month now is that I can look forward to the 19th of every month. I miss my Gpa so much, but I know he looks at me everyday through the eyes of my little Emma, and that makes me smile. :)
Emma Grace is turning into quite the little cutie... especially when she throws a smile your way, which can make the sourest of people smile. If it doesn't... there is no hope for you. :) She's even started to coo a bit in the last couple of days. So exciting! Her head is still a little wobbly, and after whipping Reese around like a sack of potatoes, it's hard to remember to be super careful with her. She hasn't broken yet though, so I think we're okay. Tummy time is still something she'd rather not do, but we must... so we do. She's started to watch her mobile in her swing. Very exciting. I remember being such a nerd about it when Reese did it for the first time. It's the little things. :)
Sleeping. Emma is a great sleeper these days. It's hard for us to complain. We put her down around 830 after her "last feeding"... Bryan usually rocks her to sleep for this one. She then wakes up between 1-2 (she did give us a 315 one night); Bryan takes this feeding (frozen milk in the freezer), so I can pump. We literally put one bottle into her while I can pump out 2-3 bottles during that feeding, so we're sticking to it! She's back to sleep within 45 min to an hour and then up again anywhere from 4-6... that's my feeding. Depending on the time we try to get a couple more hours of sleep or we're up for the morning. During the day we have our 2 hour ritual that MUST be followed or we have SERIOUS meltdowns. She awakes, is fed, played with, swaddled (starting to let her fall asleep during the day without it), and back to sleep within 2 hours. It is the law, and we are sticking to it. She sleeps in her crib at night, but is still taking her naps wherever she lands... usually in her swing. This month we'll work on getting her to do that in her crib.
Eating. I'm still breastfeeding, which is longer than I lasted with Reese, so if I stopped today at 2pm... it will have been a success story. :) But seriously... it's going really well (thanks to my shield). In fact I tried to do it without the shield and all hell broke loose, so we'll keep using it. She's eating every 2-3 hours depending on when she wakes up from her mini naps. If she's drinking a bottle, she gets 3 oz... otherwise we don't know how much she's eating. She's growing though, so I know she's getting enough. We'll find out for sure how much she's up to on Monday at her well baby.
Little sister. Reese LOVES to play with Em on her playmat. She likes to tickle her belly, giggling, and calling her sister Elmo... it's so sweet to watch. Emma has also taken some feet off the noggin too, so it's not always a loving relationship, but we'll take what we can get. :)
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