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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Not one of my finer moments

Rachel here. I usually try to post only happy wonderful things about our family life and Reese growing up, but the fact of the matter is... everything is not always wonderful and peachy. While I started this blog to help keep our families (mainly mine because they live so far away) in the loop, it's ultimately a time capsule for my children. I want them to know what life was like when they were little. Am I obsessive about what words Reese is learning or whether or not she can eat with a spoon yet? ABSOLUTELY... I want to remember what these days were like 10, 15, 20, even 50 years from now. I deserve the right to be obsessive because ultimately this blog is for me... mine... I write what I want to write and how I want to write it. It's about the great times and the not so easy times. With that said...

Reese is driving me bonkers. DO NOT GET ME WRONG... I love her to death and for the most part she's a doll, but the past couple of weeks have been really trying. She's learning so many new words and how to do so many new things, which are so wonderful, but at the same time I think she's starting to realize how much she wants to know how to say and how to do that her frustration level more times than not is through the roof. She is demanding more and more of my attention these days, which is fine. I've gotten pretty spoiled with her being very content playing on her own, but now I'm realizing she wants to play with me way more than she has previously. That is not a problem... except for when I need to sit and relax because of the lack of sleep from the previous night, or I'm just not feeling well (this pregnancy is really kicking my butt). It's times like these when she insists on hitting me, kicking me, screaming at me, and being all around MEAN to get my attention that are taking it's toll. I've been more than understanding. She's a toddler I know that... she's trying to tell me she's frustrated, but to become a human punching bag is frustrating too. She hits and kicks when it's time to leave the library, she's hits and kicks when it's time to leave the playground, she hits and kicks when it's time to get out of the sandbox, and now she even hits and kicks AND screams at the top of her lungs at nap time and bedtime. It's just too much sometimes especially because I'm so hormonal and physically uncomfortable.

If you're even still reading this I know what you're thinking... "oh she should try to divert her attention when it's time to transition... she should set up a routine when it's time for nap time/bedtime." I know... I'm not a guru by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm also NOT helpless. I do hand her other objects while trying to get her to leave something she's having fun doing, I do have a solid routine with her throughout the day... and when she's thrown off in the SLIGHTEST is when we tend to have these problems that take days to recover from. I'm slowly learning that it's just not worth throwing off her lunchtime/nap time/bedtime... anything for that matter... if it's just going to frustrate her and ultimately me.

While this may be categorized as 'one of your downer posts', which is what Bryan likes to call them, they are MY words, MY feelings, it's MY blog, and frankly... I feel better, so I guess there you have it.


Allison said...

Oh Rachel. I feel your pain. There are definitely some days when I get so frustrated I am brought to tears. It is so frustrating to spend so much time with them and do everything for them and then have them turn around and hit and kick you. I can't even imagine doing it while feeling as sick as you do. You're such a trooper! It will get better and hopefully you can find some comfort in knowing that you are not alone. The blog is such a great outlet for that!

Meredith said...

Vent away sweetheart! I often feel the same way, in my limited time with Jack. I only get to see him for a few hours each day, and that's at the end of the day when he's the most cranky. All I want to do is spend quality time and have fun, and instead he lays on the ground and "tantrums" and then gets up and hits me. Seriously?!? I can't imagine if I had to deal with it all day, sometimes! When things get bad, I just try to tell myself that it's only a phase, and it can only get better. Tomorrow is a new day! You're not alone, and it's ok to feel the way you feel. And to talk about it. It only helps to make the rest of us feel normal :). ILY!

Miranda said...

Oh, I was SOO there a month ago so first off, know that others out there feel your pain and you aren't crazy :) I;m not sure if you are asking for advice but I thought I would share what has worked...most of the time... for us. I have started reading this Happiest Toddler on the Block. It is basically about communication (which Reese obviously loves to do!) Basically, the next time she gets upset, get down to her level and calmly ask her what is wrong. Let her vent and then explain why you have to leave the playground and hopefully...with practice, this will help her communicate because she can tell you (or point) about what is upsetting her instead of hitting and all that. Easier said than done though. Main thing, kids feed off of our emotions so when I am at the end of my rope and just want to scream... wouldn't ya know, Miller does the same darn thing!! Hang in there and I promise, within a few weeks, she will done with this phase and into the next :)