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Friday, March 13, 2009

24 weeks

Daddy and I took Mommy to the doc's for her 24 week appointment. Everything looked great with Baby Deuce. Mommy has had a few contractions and is gaining weight appropriately... we're about 8 lbs heavier, so all is well with the world. Every morning is still being taken up by Mommy getting sick and laying around like a lump, but I do what I can to make life easier for her. Mommy goes back in next month for her glucose screening... that's her last monthly visit. SO EXCITING! After that we go back every 2 weeks... holy moly... it's coming up quickly!

Here is Mommy before this morning's appointment. We're at the point now she says where the world doesn't need to see skin, so fully covered photos only. :)
Baby Deuce's room is coming along nicely. Mommy finished up the artwork that will hang above her bed... she made me some too for my new room! Her letters are ready to hang above her changing table. A new valance has been ordered. All we'll need to do is clean out all of my stuff and get a few little accessories, so she can move right in. As far as my room is concerned... well, we have a ways to go. My Nana is coming to visit me this weekend, so after her visit, Mommy and Daddy will move out all of the furniture to finish baseboards and paint. Mommy's friend Amy D has been hired again to help... OH THE EXCITEMENT! We'll be doing the fun painting then in early April. My new convertible crib and quilt rack/shelf have already come in, and my Grandaddy is building me a super sweet toy box and bookshelf, so hopefully we'll get to move everything in and decorate before Mother's Day. Until then Mommy has clothes to go through and wash, bottles and toys to sterilize, burp clothes and a couple of blankets to sew, and all the other little details to take care of. We're getting excited here in Blacksburg!


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you! I feel you on the "no skin" thing...I got so big so fast that I never did the skin thing b/c it would have been a bit scary! Hope you guys are doing great and that we can catch up soon!!! Love you!!~Heather

Sara said...

You are looking great! That is so exciting to have two little girls! Girls are so much fun, alot of work but fun. Thanks so much for the sleep advice. Marisa seems to be doing so much better, she actually slept through the night last night! Praise the Lord for sleep! We are making our blog private so if you wanted to keep up with us you can email me at and I will email you the username and password. Thanks again!