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Thursday, March 26, 2009

What does a seahorse say?

Rachel here. So Reese and I were playing with play doh this afternoon. I bought her this little pouch that has 4 colors of dough, a bunch of cookie cutter type things, a roller, and some shape squeezie things; she loves it to say the least. There hasn't been a day this week that she hasn't gone into her play room and pointed at the bag screaming "play!" But anywho... so I'm cutting out shapes of animals for her and just playing around. She likes to hold the shapes up and wait for me to tell her what they are. She held up the turtle and before I could say it, she said "toetle." MELT! Then she held up a cutout of a seahorse; I said it was a seahorse... she IMMEDIATELY started neighing like a horse! :) God I love this kid!